Privacy Policy

privacyPolicy.php was last modified on 14 Mar 2022 17:32:17.

Kamat Pharmatech respects the privacy and anonymity of the visitors to its laboratories and website.

Kamat Pharmatech may track the IP addresses of the visitors to its website. The information will be used to quantify interest levels of potential clients. Kamat Pharmatech will not attempt to link an IP address to a particular individual.

Kamat Pharmatech may maintain the record of the submissions to its contact form for an indefinite period of time. The information shared in the contact form may be shared with members within the organization. Kamat Pharmatech does not plan to share information shared in the contact form with the public.

Kamat Pharmatech may maintain a record of the job applications submitted on its website. The information in the job applications will be used strictly for hiring purposes and will not be shared with a third-party without the consent of the applicant. A potential applicant may contact us to have his or her application eliminated from the database.

Changes to this privacy policy may be made without notice. If the privacy policy is changed, the date will be updated at the top of this webpage. Kamat Pharmatech is committed to providing clarity and protection to its visitors.

Any questions or concerns regarding the company privacy policy can be directed to Thank you.

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