You are viewing Pilot Scale Manufacturing > Consultation - Pilot Scale Manufacturing

Kamat Pharmatech conducts pilot-scale manufacturing campaigns for product batch sizes of 8,000-10,000 units. We remain in communication with the OEM (original equipment manufacturer) and can request quotes for additional modules or manufacturing pods.

We perform pilot-scale manufacturing as a verification of robustness of process. Before transitioning from the laboratory to the industrial manufacturing facility, we ensure that the process is robust, risk-free, and reproducible. This is particularly true for expensive and material-sensitive biological products.

Using the pilot-scale equipment in our laboratory, we ensure that the formulation and process is capable of maintaining the integrity despite agitations, manufacturing stresses, numerous contact surfaces, and the environment.

Our manufacturing capabilities include the following products:

  • Vials, ampules, and pre-filled syringes (PFS)
  • Toxicology supplies
  • Reference standards in ampules
  • Laboratory cGMP stability samples
  • Potent compounds and oncology

Please contact us to discuss our capabilities.

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